At Old Park School we work together in partnership with families and our parents and carers are equally valued as part of our school community. We recognise that children’s learning is improved when we work in partnership with their parents or carers, and their wider family. We therefore believe in close cooperation with all families, and in regular consultation between home and school.

Miss Claire Read
Assistant Headteacher (Pastoral and Well-Being)
Mrs Leanne Powis-Hedley
Family Support Lead
You can find out more information in our Family Partnership and Home School Agreement Policy below.
A copy of our LPPA newsletters can be found below.
What is the Leading Parent Partnership Award?
The LPPA is a nationally recognised award achieved by schools who work very closely with the families of their pupils. The assessment is made by an external advisor.
What do you have to do to achieve the award?
Schools have to work towards meeting nine different objectives and building up lots of evidence to support them before they can achieve the award. (see overleaf for details).
What difference will the Leading Parent Partnership Award make at Old Park School?
Working towards the LPPA will enhance links between home and school. This is important to us as we know that when positive relationships are built, children’s learning improves.
You can find out more information about the Leading Parent Partnership Award in our Parent/Carer leaflet below.

You can find out more information about our annual calendar of family partnership events below.

Old Park is an all age school catering for pupils with severe and profound learning difficulties. Admission to Old Park School is through a recommendation from an Education Health and Care Plan. To be considered for a place, a pupil will have, or be in the process of receiving, an Education Health and Care Plan. The plan will identify their complex needs and will include severe learning or profound and multiple learning difficulties.
More information can be found the transition flowchart below.

At Old Park School we actively seek the views of our families on a range of topics. This feedback is shared with school leaders and used to celebrate, develop and improve the provision that we provide.
We ask all of our new families that join us each year to feedback on their experience of the induction and transition process.
'I must be the most anxious newly adopted mom! But after visiting Old Park staff were lovely - the stay and play really helped to see my son happy playing the class teacher & team we’re exceptional…I’ve started buying uniform which I’ve been delaying - but feel ready for next journey!'.
During parent and carer evenings during the academic year 22-23, the following responses were gathered.
'I have found the induction of the school very easy and welcoming, all the staff have been amazing and so supportive with our child and ourselves. Our child is really improving in all areas of her education and interacting with peers. The staff are very knowledgeable and thoughtful of our child's needs and wellbeing.'
'Very pleased with parents evening, looking forward to have the tools to view progress on the new school virtual app.'
'Very pleased with how L is supported at school. His needs are met and his next step goals are achievable . Well done Dolphin class staff.'
'Grateful as always for the care and support you give our daughter, it is clear that staff go above and beyond to meet her needs and the photo evidence proves that. Thanks.'
'It was lovely to be back to face to face parents evenings. Makes such a difference.'
'I really appreciate when I receive phone calls of positive feedback when T have a good day and well behaved, makes me realise he's not having challenging behaviour all the time at school. Thank you for your calls and updating me about T's journey.'

Dudley College
Here is a range of free training courses that can now be studied with Dudley College if you are aged 19 or over and live in the West Midlands Combined Authority!
The mode of study is detailed by course so you can choose the one that suits your circumstances best - all come with tutor support.
Dudley Adult and Community Learning Service
The Adult and Community Learning service provides learning opportunities for adults and families in the Dudley borough.
Courses tare designed to help you to get a job or gain new skills for work. Other courses offer opportunities to improve your health and mental wellbeing, and they have family learning to help you support your children with their schoolwork.
Adult and Community Learning service pride themselves on their personal and caring approach, and their focus is to help learners progress and achieve success.