Government Legislation requires all schools to publish an SEND Information Report that details the provision that the school can offer your child. The information provided by the school forms part of the Dudley Local Offer which can be found on their website www.dudley.gov.uk/resident/localoffer
To find out how we organise the SEND provision at Old Park School please see the report below.
Dudley SENDIASS (formerly Dudley Parent Partnership Service)
Dudley SENDIASS (formerly Dudley Parent Partnership Service) provides impartial information, advice and support to young people and parents, covering special educational needs (SEN), disability, health and social care. Further information can be found by visiting their website http://www.dudley.gov.uk/dudleysendiass
Dudley Local Offer
Dudley Local Offer gives children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities and their families information about what support services the local authority aim to provide in their local area.
Every local authority is responsible for writing a Local Offer and making sure it is available for everyone to see.