30th November 2022
Careers and Transitions Events 11th November 2023
A big thank-you to all who attended our Careers and Transitions event. We hope you found the event informative and helpful as you think about future options and life after school for your child.
We wanted to share some of the feedback provided;
Providers and Families Feedback
I really enjoyed meeting parents and young people as well as staff. The transition information is very important to all young people with PMLD and life limiting illnesses. (Shakespeare hospice)
All aspects worked well (Queens Cross Network)
The event was informative and great for providing service information as well as creating links with others (HYPA Dance company)
I feel this event was very well organized. The young people and their Carers were all very engaged and asked lots of good questions (Halesowen college)
Organised well, variety of providers and provision, students arriving through event (Connexions)
Good cross section of people who showed an interest in our service (Pulse plus)
Well organized and clear guidance (anonymous)
Lovely morning, really well organized. Can’t wait for the next event (Unicorn Centre)
Very well organized. Good spacious room (Emily Jordan Foundation Project)
The set up of the room gave a welcoming view. Looking forward to the next event. (Quest)
Thank you for the invite- a well organized event with lots of good conversations held at the stand with parents, students and staff. (QAC)
How could this event be even better?
It would be lovely to meet more parents of young people who have a lot of medical needs, as well as social. Perhaps you could encourage families with young people who have medical needs to the event if an organization focuses on medical as well as social need. Families don’t realise we exist, so I am happy to come again. Thank you for the opportunity, great morning, Hazel Goodwin (Shakespeare Hospice)
More time, longer event! (Connexions)
More providers if there are any? (Parent)
Cake… just kidding, was great (anonymous)
Help to complete our choice forms? (Parent)
Help to know if my child is the right fit for a certain place? (Parent)
We are listening…what will we do next?
- We will hold another event next year and invite all parents/Carers from year 11 - 14
- We will continue to make contacts and find out about as many transition providers available to you as we can. We will ensure everyone we are aware of is invited to our next event.
- We will collate information on providers and services and share this with families
- We will organise a parent coffee morning later this academic year during which time we will support individual questions and support requests around transition. We will invite representatives from Dudley SEND team to come into school to guide families on the processes required around completing choice forms and EHCP's.