The Unique Learner
At Old Park School we recognise, value and celebrate the unique nature of all of our learners. We understand that each pupil has their own skills, strengths and barriers to learning and we use this knowledge to plan, teach and assess the progress each pupil makes. All of the pupils who attend Old Park have an Education, Health, Care Plan (EHCP). This sits at the heart of the provision we provide and is used to tailor our approach. Pupils also have a termly Personal Provision Plan (PPP).

What is an EHCP?
An Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is a legal document which sets out a description of a child or young person’s needs and strengths, and what needs to be done to meet those needs and enhance those strengths.
The plan will focus on outcomes (what the child or young person wants to achieve) and what's needed to achieve those outcomes. Families and professionals work together to consider the outcomes they'd like to see and how best to meet them.
What is a PPP?
A Personal Provision Plan (PPP) is a school-based document which details the termly small step targets that have been set for each individual pupil, based on their longer term EHCP outcomes. A PPP target is set in the areas of; communication and interaction, cognition and learning, social emotional mental health and physical and sensory.
More information can be found in the document below.

What is The Engagement Model?
Many of the pupils at Old Park School are working at the earliest levels of cognitive development (Birth to 36 months, previously P1i to P3ii). We term these pupils as working at a pre-subject specific level. From September 2021, we have been using The Engagement Model to support us in assessing pupils’ engagement in developing new skills, knowledge and concepts in the school’s curriculum by demonstrating how pupils are achieving specific outcomes. They represent what is necessary for pupils to fully engage in their learning and reach their full potential.
The Engagement Model focuses on five areas of; exploration, realisation, anticipation, persistence and initiation.
In addition, we also utilise the Willow Dene assessment frameworks. These focus on the early learning of communication, cognitive and social interactions processes and skills.
More information can be found in the document below.

What is Subject Specific Assessment?
Some of our pupils follow a subject specific pathway. This includes developing the early knowledge, skills and understanding of a subject (Pathway 3 Roots, previously P4 - P8) before progressing into the more formal study of a subject (Pathway 4 Shoots, National Curriculum KS1 outcomes). A small percentage of our pupils move onto National Curriculum Year 3 outcomes. This is known as Pathway 5 Blossom.
At Old Park School we use subject specific scales to assess progress. These have been written by subject leaders utilising the National Curriculum outcomes and pre-key stage standards to ensure sequence and progression. We gather internal data each term on reading, writing and number. This helps us to identify pupils who may need intervention or additional support in a particular area.
More information can be found in the document below.

Accreditation Long Term Plan
ASDAN Sensory
Pupils in Key Stage 5 working within Pathway 1 or 2 gain evidence and accreditation against the ASDAN Sensory framework. There are four modules in the Sensory strand: Communication and Interaction, Cognition, Physical, and Self-help and Independence. Learners must complete at least five activities to achieve each module.
Levels of support are used to show how the learner has achieved the activity. They show individual progression and differentiation between learners: Experience recorded, Gestural help, No help, Physical help, Sensory experience or Spoken/signed help.
ASDAN Transition Challenge
Pupils in Key Stage 5 working within Pathway 3 gain evidence and accreditation against the ASDAN Transition Challenge framework. There are five modules in the Introduction and Progression strand: Knowing How, Making Choices, Feeling Good, Moving Forward and Taking the Lead. Learners must complete at least nine activities to achieve each module.
Levels of support are used to show how the learner has achieved the activity. They show individual progression and differentiation between learners: Experience recorded, Gestural help, No help, Physical help, Sensory experience or Spoken/signed help.
More information can be found at ASDAN | Transition Challenge
OCR Life and Living Skills
In Key Stage 5 for Students working within Pathway 4 and 5 we use the OCR Life and Living skills framework as our focus for accreditation. Units are grouped within the following strands; Communication, ICT, Numeracy, and World of Work. These are mapped across the two year cycle of curriculum projects, with evidence gathered, moderated and submitted for accreditation. Learners working at Pathway 4 access units within the Entry 1 continuum, with Pathway 5 students accessing units at a Entry level 2.
More information can be found at https://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/vocational-qualifications/
Appeals Procedure for Accreditation